Beckman / BeckmanMD



JUN 11, 2020glastonbury festival 2009   day two


If you’ve ever had a reallly bad sunburn (you know, the I-look-like-a-lobster kind that makes you so uncomfortable, you can’t even sleep), you may have wondered what kind of damage that does to your skin long-term.

First things first: Not all sun exposure is a bad thing. Sunlight, in small doses, is beneficial. It gives your body Vitamin D that’s especially good for bone health, says James Beckman, MD, board-certified plastic surgeon and adjunct associate clinical professor in the dermatology department at Arkansas Medical School. But, if you’re not careful enough and overexpose yourself to the sun, your skin will burn, potentially causing long-term damage. “Excessive UV energy from sunlight can cause permanent skin damage,” says Dr. Beckman.

While it’s most common to get a first-degree sunburn on a typical beach day, it’s possible to get second- and third-degree burns from the sun as well (though more rare). Here, dermatologists break down the different levels of burns, at-home treatments you can use for relief, and how to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Wait, how can you get a third-degree sunburn? Ouch!

How badly you burn will depend on how close to the equator you are, how long you are out in the sun, and how much sunscreen you apply.

Sunburns tend to be just first- or second-degree burns to the skin, explains Carolyn Jacob, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. A first-degree burn may happen when you’re only out in the sun for a couple of hours, especially between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., without sunscreen, and could happen anywhere. A more severe burn will take place when you’re in direct sunlight for hours or days on end without adequate protection, closer to the equator.RELATED STORYThese Photos Show What Sun Poisoning Look Like

Third-degree sunburns can happen but they’re rare—typically, a third-degree burn results from a fire or chemical burn. It’s possible to burn quicker and more severely in the sun if you’re taking medication that makes you more sensitive to light, like a high dose of the antibiotic doxycycline for an infection, or a high dose of spironolactone, a diuretic often used to treat high blood pressure, Dr. Jacob says.

What does a third-degree sunburn look like?

While it’s pretty hard to get this kind of burn from the sun, a third-degree burn involves completely dead skin—it’s described as a “full thickness” burn, Dr. Beckman explains. “The skin color will be whitish or dull and will not blanch with pressure,” Dr. Beckman says. But the burn itself may not be as painful because it has destroyed the nerve endings in the skin, so you won’t feel it as much.RELATED STORY5 Reasons You Keep Getting Sunburned

If you suspect you have a third-degree burn, or even a second-degree burn, you’ll need to visit the emergency room immediately—it’s not something to put off. Third degree burns require surgery to remove the dead skin, and then skin grafting, a transfer of skin from other places on the body.

The healing process isn’t a quick one either. “It may take as long as three to four weeks, even with good healing and no infection, for a third-degree burn to become well again,” says Dr. Beckman. Again, you probably won’t ever get a burn like this from the sun.

What’s the difference between a first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burn?

The classification of the burn depends on the layers of the skin that are affected, says Dr. Jacob. Here’s a little more info about each one:

  • First-degree sunburns involve redness, and maybe a slight peeling of the top layer of the skin, or the epidermis, she says.
  • A second-degree sunburn also affects the epidermis, and will have blistering, even layers of blisters, redness, and peeling sheets of skin. It may take a few hours after long-term sun exposure for the burn to get pink or red and painful, depending on the severity. If your sunburn is accompanied by a fever or nausea, you may also have sun poisoning, and should load up on fluids in addition to checking in with a doctor.
  • Third-degree burns are in a different category, because they actually reach the under-layer of your skin: the dermis. Because they usually result from chemicals or fire burns, there can be permanent scars on the skin, says Dr. Jacob.

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How do you treat a severe sunburn?

If you have a severe sunburn, applying a cooling aloe gel can help reduce inflammation, and cool damp washcloths may improve the pain, Dr. Jacob says. Using hydrocortisone cream twice daily can also help, she adds. For a more severe second-degree burn, a prescription cortisone cream from your dermatologist may be more effective.

Dr. Jacob also recommends using Avene Thermal Spring Water to calm irritation and redness. While a first-degree burn likely doesn’t need to be covered, it may be more comfortable to cover a second-degree burn with a closed dressing so it isn’t exposed to air or friction from your clothing. But these dressings need to be changed frequently, ideally daily, to make sure it doesn’t become infected, Dr. Beckman adds.RELATED STORYHow To Treat Your Sunburns For Fast Relief

No matter the severity of the burn, you may want to also take ibuprofen to decrease the inflammation and pain. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids so that your skin stays hydrated, Dr. Jacob says. Another at-home remedy is wrapping ice packs in cloths and applying them to your burns—you can repeat this for about 10 minutes, about every two hours.

To protect yourself from further sunburns, make sure you’re protecting yourself with a broad spectrum (both UVA and UVB protection) sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 20, Dr. Beckman says. Don’t forget that you should be wearing sun protection even on cloudy days, and covering any burns you already have. And, Dr. Beckman adds, always reapply sunscreen multiple times throughout the day. Better to be cautious than crispy.


Mara is a freelance writer specializing in culture, politics, wellness, and the intersection between them, whose print and digital work has appeared in Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Airbnb Mag, Prevention, and more.


Both OPC and Vitamin C are effective free radical scavengers (antioxidants), although OPC is 20 times more effective as a scavenger. OPC is the most potent of the free radical scavengers in the group of polyphenols. Most of us know polyphenols to be good antioxidants found in green tea, red wines, and grape seed extract. Vitamin C functions in the body primarily as a vitamin, but also is a good antioxidant.

Vitamin C is necessary for life as it is the only molecule that can allow enable amino acids to connect in the formation of structural protein chains collagen and DNA. It also is necessary for stabilizing collagen helical chains (long ribbon-like strands) to give the extraordinary skin strength. As vitamin C cannot be made by the human body, it must be consumed orally from diet or supplements. 

If Vitamin C is not actively involved with the collagen restoration and a free radical is near, it readily binds itself to the free radical. Once Vitamin C is chemically bonded to a free radical it is no longer useful until it becomes recharged by giving up the free radical. Imagine the mental picture of two hands holding a hot dish. The hot dish must be put down in before picking up another object!

Therapon’s OPC Reparative Gel is very effective at recharging/restoring Vitamin C. Removal of a captured free radical from vitamin C is also aided by action of Alpha Lipoic Acid in the gel. This allows normal dietary intake of Vitamin C to give ample availability for rebuilding or restoration functions involving collagen with absolutely no need for topical vitamin C use!

OPC has four significant and unique properties:

  1. As the most potent antioxidant to be found, it is 20 times more effective as a free radical scavenger/antioxidant than Vitamin C because it has many more “active sites”.
  2. OPC is exactly the right length and configuration to stabilize a collagen helix (triple strands like ribbons) during repair processes (with vitamin C assisting in the actual repair). OPC fits three dimensionally between collagen helical strands to act like “ladder rungs” for stability during the repair. So OPC both assists and enhances Vitamin C during collagen synthesis.
  3. Theraderm’s OPC Reparative Gel recharges large amounts of depleted Vitamin C and Vitamin E to restore their active availability to the system.
  4. OPC is soluble in both lipids (oil base) and water so it can act to protect cell walls, act in inter-cellular spaces, and be active inside cell nuclei to protect DNA.

OPC                                                                               Vitamin C                                                                 

~20X more effective as an antioxidant than Vitamin C     ~Effective antioxidant                                                            

~Soluble in both lipids & water (lipophilic)                       ~Soluble in water only (cannot

   Can protect cell walls or cell nuclei                                 Cannot penetrate cell membranes                                                                                                            

~Many scavenger sites, to protect against                       ~few scavenger sites to protect

  free radical damage                                                      against free radical damage                                                                                                                                                                     



What are the differences between mineral and chemical sunscreens, and what can one expect from ingredients in each? The answers all lie in the fact that sunlight travels in waves with wavelengths carrying different amounts and kinds of energy. Sunlight has a combination of visible light wavelengths that give the ability to see. Several other ranges of wave lengths carry energy, but are not visible to the human eye such as Ultraviolet (UV), infrared, etc. The UV range is divided into UVA and UVB wavelengths. The two different types deliver energy that causes different kinds of damage to skin. Different protection mechanisms are needed for UVB and UVA rays

As energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is delivered to the skin and absorbed. Upon absorption, the energy causes a result of damage just as surely as hitting a board with a hammer causes a dent in the board from the energy released. We associate the energy in UVB with causing skin cancers as these wavelengths are absorbed completely in the outer skin layer of epidermis. They deliver energy that are absorbed by cells to cause alterations to DNA that result in abnormal cell replications that we identify as skin cancers. 

UVA, with its different wavelengths passes completely through the epidermis and down into the deeper dermal tissue where structural proteins collagen and elastin are located. Damage to these proteins results in loss of elasticity or “stretched skin” laxity and wrinkles and thinning of the skin itself. With one exception UVA protection almost always depends on something that reflects or “bounces back” the UVA rays.

Sunscreen products are regulated by the FDA as OTC drugs. Thus, the ingredients that may be used are closely regulated. Ingredients that protect from UVB rays are almost all chemicals that absorb the UVB energy. The absorbed energy cannot be destroyed so it must go somewhere. The effect of absorption is to destroy the sunscreen protective chemical itself by splitting the absorbing particle which spares cells or other protein in the epidermis from damage. But the fragments after splitting may have the ability to cause harmful free radical formation to still cause damage to skin. Repeated application of the UVB product is necessary as the split fragments from before are no longer effective to capture UVB energy.

UVB sunscreens, must contain one or more of the 20 or so FDA allowed choices, and each of the ingredients have been given pre-determined “sun protection factor” values. A sunscreen producer can add several of the UVB ingredients into the formulation and simply add the spf value of each ingredient to get a total SPF value claim allowed by the FDA. Unfortunately, many of the UVB ingredients capture identical UV wavelength ranges and the energy cannot be captured twice. The result may then be a final product that can legally advertise an SPF value of 50 or more. The final product formulation may only have a true spf effect of 15 or 20.

UVA protection ingredients act like a million tiny mirrors to reflect UVA rays away from the skin. These ingredients are almost always zinc oxide “dust” particles. Years ago, the only particle sizes available were much larger than now and the ZnO reflected an un-natural whiteish effect we associate with the old lifeguard white nose effect. Now the particles can be milled into microfine sizes that do not reflect the white coloration and are very effective for UVA protection.  

The benefits of mineral sunscreens are very significant. Any chemical ingredients in cosmetics and sunscreens that eventually wash off our bodies have an opportunity to harm our waters. Because minerals exist in nature, even though they wash off our skin easily, they cause no harm to the environment. This includes coral reef damage, and possible chemically induced changes in habitat for other animals. These negative results caused by use of sunscreens by humans are becoming more evident as problems for our planet earth home.

Mineral sun protective ingredients are not sensitizing for allergenic responses. They do NOT cause any irritation or stinging to eyes as nearly all chemical ingredients tend to do if used during outdoor sports or around the pool.

Titanium dioxide is a mineral sunscreen, but paradoxically only works as protector from UVB rays and is inactive for use with UVA ray protection. Mineral sunscreen ingredients are excellent for protection from UVA damage, but there is a great need for UVB protection, sunburn prevention and the prevention of skin cancers.

Chemical sunscreens are effective UVB protection ingredients, but they all have limitations. As many of the chemical ingredients duplicate the UV spectrum they absorb, formulators must consider getting the broadest spectrum protection rather than simply getting an extremely high “spf” claim.

Therapon Skin Health considered the scientific facts and skin needs in formulating its Platinum Protection sunscreen. They successfully accomplished getting the broadest protection coverage range of both UVA and UVB while using maximum FDA allowed concentrations of mineral and chemical ingredients. The formulation also brings no irritation for any skin in a base formula that truly moisturizes skin. Many women find that using Theraderm platinum Protection with spf of 43 under makeup also supplies all moisturization needs for skin during daytime hours. In the evening, Theraderm’s other great moisturizer choices continue restoration of the skin moisture barrier. 

Optimum sun protection from cancer causing as well as skin aging rays will include ingredients that absorb UVB energy and ingredients that reflect away UVA energy. Formulations should also be non-irritating to skin and have ability to resist washing off while swimming or in water. 

Theraderm Platinum Protection spf 43 brings all of the advantages of the ideal sunscreen with virtually no disadvantages for any skin type of any age!


Posted By Stevie Wilson on Jun 1, 2020 | 0 comments

What Makes a Great Sunscreen? It’s more than just the smell or how much it costs. Don’t think that the highest SPF you find (100) is the best choice. It’s more than just the numbers. It’s about ingredients!

I am a big fan of sunscreens! I found out the hard way that you need to use them every day – year-round! The UVA/UVB exposure doesn’t stop just because it’s snowing or the sky is grey and overcast!

I have written about sunscreens (AKA sunblock) for many years. I learned from more than one dermatologist that I should be using better quality sunscreens and using them daily which includes repeat applications during the day.

Here are some of my reviews of various sunscreens:
Summer Skin Needs Sunscreens! Six Sunscreen Brands You Should Try!

Getting the Most Effective Sunscreens for Your Bucks!! “I Am THE Makeup Junkie” Marie P Helps You Find the RIGHT One!!

Not All Sunblocks and Skincare Are the Same! Get SERIOUS Skincare from MD Skincare and Prevent Skin Cancer.
Scorching Summer Days & Steaming Summer Nights

There are more posts about sunscreens/sunblocks, but this gives you some great posts for you to check out.

Now there’s a “New Kid on the Block”  when it comes to sunscreens. This one is  REALLY great. I am so impressed, I may have fallen in love with this one.  Lucky for me, I got a tube to test drive.


I was provided a sample of Theraderm’s Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen for me to review.  Without a sample product for me to try, there would be no review – just the brand’s information.  Samples enable my reviews so that I can see how functional the product is. Without a sample, there would be no review!

 Theraderm’s Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen will change your feeling about sunscreens!
This product is the latest entry into the sunscreen market and it emerged just in time for summer use.

What about SPF?

The magic SPF or “sun protection factor” is based on multiples of one’s Minimal Erythema Dose, the number of minutes that your skin can be exposed to direct sunlight before identifiable redness occurs. Ideally, the SPF value relates to the ability of the sunscreen to filter out sunburn and cancer-causing UVB rays.

Modern sunscreens contain multiple chemicals that act individually to absorb solar energy to protect your skin. Each active ingredient has a determined “SPF value” based on its concentration. The sum of each of the active SPF values is the number then given for SPF of the finished product.

However, figuring out which SPF is optimal can seem daunting. The problem is that many of the FDA-approved protective ingredients capture the same wavelength rays as others. Since you cannot catch the same particle twice, the total SPF values often are misleading. In fact, a Sun Protection Factor of 100 is only marginally better than SPF 30 (blocking just 2% more UVB rays). With so many options out there, how can you choose the rating that’s healthiest for your skin?

In honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month this May, James Beckman, MD, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Adjunct, Associate Clinical Professor-Dermatology Department at UAMS (Arkansas Medical School), helped decipher why SPF 43 is your sunscreen sweet spot

Here’s a video from Theraderm about this sunscreen:

The Magic Number

When formulating Theraderm ingredients, Dr. Beckman details that the odd number SPF 43 is the most effective sun protection for these reasons:

Each active ingredient traps different wavelengths than other actives

–Delivers the max non-oily moisturizing effect to the skin

–Provides the widest spectrum protection of both UVA (aging) and UVB (cancer-causing) wavelengths

Won’t burn or sting eyes if sweat or swimming causes migration

Theraderm Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen SPF 43 holds this unique SPF number and includes zinc oxide to protect against UVA radiation. The tiny zinc particles act like millions of small mirrors on the surface of the skin to reflect the sun’s aging rays away.
This sunscreen also provides UVB protection by using several different organic molecule types that actually absorb UVB energy and are broken down to take the damage so that skin doesn’t have to.

The basics of Theraderm Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen SPF 43!

  • Broad-spectrum SPF 43 sunscreen that provides UVA/UVB sun protection
  • Does not clog pores or produce a white sheen
  • Lightweight formulation is perfect for application under make-up

Active Ingredients:

Does Not Contain:

  • Parabens
  • Oils
  • Fragrances


I LOVE  THERADERM Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen SPF 43.  This product is one of the very few products that has delivered serious innovation. One of my biggest gripes with sunblock and sunscreens is that the product often drags on the skin when applying it and it leaves a white residue (whether cream or lotion) on the skin.
It makes smoothing out the white residue very difficult. The white residue also lingers on the face and it’s often that I have experienced sunscreen or sunblock getting in my eyes – and that hurts!

There is no difficulty in spreading Theraderm’s Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen! It’s a thin liquid that spreads very easily and it vanishes really fast thanks to its speedy absorption. It feels smooth and it doesn’t irritate eyes at all. (YAY!!!). I have used this product on humid days, very hot days with high temperatures, and also under makeup. There’s no melting or leaking of the product due to humidity and scorching temperatures and the bliss of this product is that I can put on my foundation right after my application of this sunscreen.  My foundation’s color stays true and the sunscreen doesn’t interfere with my makeup application!  No pilling, no drag, no white residue! I LOVE IT!
I don’t say this lightly!  It’s not inexpensive but it works so exceptionally well that it’s worth the price. It’s much less than higher-end branded sunscreens- and you get more too!

You can buy it  at this link:

Follow Theraderm on these social channels

I have been using Theraderm Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen SPF 43  for weeks– and I am so very happy that I have it.

Stevie Wilson,


SPF is Important


With all but essential workers working from home these days, there is one part of everyone’s skincare route that may be slipping – and that’s SPF. Spending significantly more time indoors may tempt you to slack on the routine sunscreen application, but just because you are quarantining doesn’t mean SPF should get put on pause.

Windows only protect from UVB rays (the ones that cause sun burn), not UVA (the rays that age us). Even screen time can impact skin with blue light, the type of light known to cause hyperpigmentation. Multi-masking while you answer emails is great, but SPF remains the single most important skincare essential.

According to Dr. Beckman, you should apply SPF each morning with the same consistency as pre-quarantine.


Make sure you choose a formula that protects against both UVA and UBV rays to help prevent both skin cancer and the effects of aging. Theraderm Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen includes zinc oxide, which utilizes very small, microscopic particles that protect against UVA radiation by acting like millions of small mirrors on the surface of your skin. Instead of absorbing the UVA rays, zinc oxide actually reflects them. This sunscreen also provides UVB protection by using organic molecules that actually absorb and are broken down by UVB energy, meaning that the molecules take the damage so that your skin doesn’t have to.

Sunscreen Smarts


Theraderm Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen has a unique SPF of 43. Why? Well, it turns out that the best ingredients for protecting and caring for the health of the skin on your face just happen to have a cumulative total SPF value of 43. According to Dr. Beckman, SPF 43 is the most effective and very best that you can get from putting ingredients together. This SPF level is proven to be most beneficial in terms of the moisturizing effect to the skin itself, gives the widest spectrum of UV protection and won’t burn or sting eyes if sweat or swimming causes it to migrate.


Don’t skimp on your SPF. Slather up daily, whether you’re logging some screen time or soaking in some much-needed Vitamin D from your backyard or balcony.


outer packaging for Theraderm Anti-Aging System


I’ve been using Theraderm Anti-Aging Lip Complex for a couple of months now, and I’ve had such good results with my finicky dry lips that I was eager to try some more of dermatologist Dr. James Beckman’s skincare products (see my earlier post for more information on Dr. Beckman and the Theraderm brand).

outer boxes of the skincare products in the Theraderm Anti-Aging System

For the past 5 weeks, I have been using Theraderm Anti-Aging System. The kit includes four of their signature products:

  1. Cleansing Wash
  2. Fruit Acid Exfoliant
  3. OPC Reparative Serum
  4. Eternox Peptide Cream

The system recommends using the quad twice a day, and I have been doing so. Actually, I have been using Theraderm Anti-Aging System on my face, and as I mentioned last Friday, I’ve been using City Beauty UpLifted Firming Serum and Multi-Action Sculpting Cream on my jawline and neck (reviewed here). No reason why the two systems couldn’t get along side by side, or actually up and down. ?

The Anti-Aging System was designed to cleanse, exfoliate and protect skin from harmful free radicals.

Theraderm Cleansing Wash

pump bottle of Theraderm Cleansing Wash

Cleansing Wash is a clear gel that comes in a pump bottle. It is fragrance-free. While the gel goes on clear, when it mixes with the water on my hands as I rub it onto my face in a circular manner, it turns into a creamy lather. The Cleansing Wash is formulated to work with the pH of our skin. It is gentle, yet it does an excellent job cleaning my face of any makeup or sunscreen that my micellar water may have missed. It also does a great job removing dirt, since I’ve been working in my garden so much. It leaves no oily residue, just clean, non-stripped skin.

The cleanser is suited for all skin types. Cleansing Wash comes in two sizes: 4 fl. oz. ($26) and 16 fl. oz. ($56). The 4 oz. size is the one that comes in the Anti-Aging System, though it is sold separately as well.

Ingredients: Water (distilled), Sodium laureth sulfate, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Lauroamphoacetate, Sodium trideceth sulfate, Glycerin, Sucrose cocoate, Sodium chloride, Tetrasodium EDTA, Diazolidinyl urea, lodopropynyl butylcarbamate, Citric acid

Fruit Acid Exfoliant

Fruit Acid Exfoliant is a lactic acid toner that exfoliates dead skin cells, helps smooth skin, reduces uneven skin tone, minimizes pores, and provides an even surface in order to improve the absorption from other skincare products that are applied next. The exfoliant is applied with Theraderm Gentle Action Application Pads, ultra thin waffled pads, that are part of the Anti-Aging System. The waffled rayon and polyprolene fabric of the pads provide some extra exfoliation along with the liquid exfoliant. $9 for a box of 100.

Fruit Acid Exfoliant has a somewhat strong herbal scent that must be due to the lactic acid. Though I can’t say it smells good, it doesn’t linger once my skin dries, and it actually smells “therapeutic”.

It is formulated for all skin types. I was quite amazed when I read that it is gentle enough to be used on the neck and even on the eyelids. But because I have such dry lids from blepharitis and sensitive eyes, I haven’t tried it. But on my face and neck, I love it.

Fruit Acid Exfoliant comes in a 2 fl. oz. squeeze bottle, and it is priced at $48, if purchased separately.

Ingredients: Water, SD Alcohol 39, Propylene glycol, Lactic acid

OPC Reparative Serum

pump bottle of Theraderm OPC Reparative Serum

At first, I thought that Theraderm OPC Reparative Serum was a vitamin C serum, primarily because of its deep orange color. However, OPC stands for oligomeric proanthocyanidins which are a more potent (and more expensive) form of antioxidant than either vitamin C or E, and they are often derived from grape seeds.  OPCs have the following benefits for skin:

  • Improve skin appearance and protect it from sun damage
  • Visibly reduces signs of aging
  • Reduce the appearance of redness from Rosacea.

I apply this serum twice a day to my face and neck. I make sure to apply it two my dark spots, and I even think that they are a little less noticeable than before.

Like the Fruit Acid Exfoliant, OPC Reparative Serum can be used on the eyelids. I have decided that I am going to try applying it to my eyelids because my lids are red from blepharitis. I am curious to see if it will tone down the red. I didn’t realize that anti-redness was one of the benefits of using OPC, so I didn’t think of trying it on my lids, but I will.

OPC Reparative Serum also contains hyaluronic acid so I don’t need to apply a separate HA serum to get added hydration, yay.

Fragrance and dye-free, OPC Reparative Serum comes in a heavy glass pump bottle in two sizes: 1 fl. oz. ($81) and 1.7 fl. oz. ($115).

Eternox Peptide Creme

Eternox Peptide Creme, I believe, is one of Theraderm’s newest skincare products. It is a delightful lightweight, pale blue anti-aging cream that is formulated with patented soluble keratin peptides to reduce lines and wrinkles and increase firmness. It also helps prolong the effects of injectables, if you use them. In fact, the peptides are said to firm neck skin. So maybe I will switch from City Beauty’s serum and sculpting cream to using the Theraderm Eternox Peptide Creme to compare the two different systems.

Because Eternox Peptide Creme is formulated with a base of aloe vera, it feels like a gel-cream, and you know how I love that kind of formulation. As far as I can tell, it has no scent.

Eternox Peptide Cream comes in a 1 oz. pump bottle and is priced at $100, if purchased separately.

Ingredients: Aloe barbadensis leaf extract, Acetyl hexapeptide-8, Hydrolyzed keratin, Water, Cyclomethicone, Caprylic/capric triglyceride, Hypnea musciformis extract, Cetearyl alcohol, Glycerin, Glyceryl stearate, Peg-100 stearate, Ceteareth 20, Tridecyl sterate, Neopentyl glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate, Sargassum filipendula extract, Hyaluronic acid, Hydrolyzed Glycosaminoglycans, Biosaccharide gum-1, Palmitoyl-oligopeptide, Palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7, Tocopheryl acetate, Sodium PCA, Allantion, Panthenol, Polyacrylamide, C13-14 Isoparafin, Laureth-7, Sorbitol, Tridecyl trimellitate, Urea, Trehalose, Polyquaternium-51, Polysorbate 20, Carbopol ultrez 10, Butylene glycol, Diazolidinyl urea, Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, Tetrasodium EDTA, Blue 1 Extracts of: Cucumber, Green tea leaf, Grape seed, Echinacea angustifolia, Comfrey, Chamomile flower and Gelidiela acerosa

My Thoughts

I am really enjoying using the Theraderm Anti-Aging System. Usually, I curate my own face care products, but I must admit there is something quite wonderful about using a group of skincare products that are designed to work together. Although I like the Cleansing Wash, the standouts for me were the Fruit Exfoliant in spite of the natural scent, OPC Reparative Serum and Eternox Peptide Creme. I am especially pleased about the fact that my 2 major dark spots are less apparent.

Theraderm Anti-Aging System is priced at $230. Buying the products individually would cost $264, so the system is a savings of  13%. Theraderm also makes a few travel sets that include mini sizes of the products at very affordable prices that make it possible to try the products first: Anti-Aging Travel Kit with Eternox ($30)  and Skin Renewal Travel System ($25). Theraderm products are sold on the Theraderm website.

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Copyright by James S. Beckman, M.D. 2023. All rights reserved. Logo